This handmade little pink basket brings a fresh touch in your room, it’s an eye catcher in every room of your house!
Today I tried a new basket. Special about it, is the bottom, it’s a square and not a circle. I made the bottom again myself. It is pink and it gives a fresh look in our living room!
I ‘m going to use it for my crochet hooks, glasses,… Play cards and other little things that are suitable for this handmade basket!
I started the basket with a magic loop and after two rounds I changed its form to a square. As you see the result is that my basket is more straight! I think it is a good tip when making baskets,
Handy tip : crochet the bottom as a square.
After crocheting the bottom, I created the basket like in lovely fruit basket, a round with upraised single crochet. The border is crocheted with a chosen stitch in several rounds.
Where to find this basket?
You can order this basket in my online shop etsy or take first a look at My Handmade Shop
background is a close up of the used stitch